Though I’m often ruled by the childhood joy in me, sometimes in my adult life, in my busy life, there were times in the past when it was hard to find joy and meaning. I would rush from one task to another and often forget to stop and reflect on what truly matters. I was like this from the year I graduated college since I took on the responsibility of putting my younger sister through school.

I busied myself on working because I had many responsibilities as the eldest daughter. I gradually slowed down and 11 years later, I’m still busy, but in a much better meaningful way.

It was the concept of Ikigai that changed my perspective. It stresses the importance of discovering the small wonders in everyday life that can bring us happiness and this really resonated with me.

In fact, the concept of Ikigai had impacted what I wanted to do further in life. I don’t mean this in a career sense, but truly on what I would be living for in the next years of my life. I started this passion project of keeping a blog, Snippets of Wonders. At first, it was just merely expressing my thoughts and feelings on things that sparked me. Eventually, the plan evolved to maintaining this project so I could also earn money from it. From being a blog, it has grown to an online creative learning hub.

🌱 What is Ikigai?

Ikigai is a Japanese term that represents the intersection of four key elements. As the concept emphasises, when these four aspects align, you find your ikigai. You find a unique purpose that can bring joy and fulfilment. According to Hector Garcia, co-author of the book Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, these are the 4 elements in Ikigai.

What You Love (Passion)

These are the activities that make you feel alive. They can be hobbies, interests, or anything that brings you joy. They can be anything from painting to playing an instrument, or even just spending time with loved ones. When you’re doing something you love, you often lose track of time and feel energized.

What You Are Good At (Profession)

This includes your skills and abilities. Recognizing what you excel at can boost your confidence and help you feel more fulfilled in your work. It’s important to identify your strengths and leverage them to your advantage.

What the World Needs (Mission)

Consider how your passions and skills can make a positive impact on the world. This is where your talents can be truly meaningful. By serving others and contributing to a greater cause, you can experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

What You Can Be Paid For (Vocation)

Finding a way to earn a living while pursuing your passions can bring a sense of security and satisfaction. It’s about finding a job that aligns with your interests and values. When you’re passionate about what you do, it’s easier to stay motivated and enjoy your work.

When we explore how these four elements: what we love, what we’re good at, what the world needs, and what we can be paid for overlap, we begin to see where our ikigai lies. It’s like finding the perfect spot where all of these pieces fit together seamlessly.

On other hand, Ikigai: Giving Every Day Meaning and Joy by Yukari Mitsuhashi suggests that our Ikigai could be the time that we spend with our family and friends. It could be the hobbies that we pursue. Ikigai can also be enjoyed by living in the moment, sitting still, and attuning in to details.

According to Mitsuhashi, we can have more than one Ikigai and they could change over time. Not everyone knows their Ikigai but through self-awareness, one could determine what might make their Ikigai.

🌱 Insights I Gained from Ikigai

💖 The Power of Self-Reflection

One of the main messages of Ikigai is the importance of looking inward and asking ourselves meaningful questions:

  • What tasks am I doing?
  • How do I feel about these tasks?
  • How am I spending my time?
  • Who am I talking to or connecting to virtually or in reality?

Taking time to think about these questions helped me discover what I truly want and what I was working towards. It pays to dig deep and explore our inner desires. It’s by doing this that I was able to uncover my hidden passions and talents.

💖 Building Connections

Ikigai is often enriched by our relationships. We are social beings and sharing our passions with others can deepen our sense of purpose. Engaging with friends, family, and community can help us feel connected and supported.

I recognize that my purpose may often extend beyond myself. When I help others, I find joy and fulfilment.

💖 The Power of Mindfulness

Ikigai also stresses the importance of being present in our daily lives. Mindfulness allows us to appreciate the small moments that often go unnoticed. By slowing down and truly experiencing each day, I can find joy in the ordinary. Practicing mindfulness has really helped me connect with my feelings and thoughts. Every day, I make an effort to notice what truly makes me happy.

💖 Embracing Change and Growth

Life is constantly changing and Ikigai encourages us to embrace this change. My Ikigai has definitely evolved over time as I grew and experienced new things. I accept it that this is a natural part of life and being open to change can lead to unexpected opportunities.

It’s okay to pivot and explore new passions. Each phase of life can bring new insights. Accepting this fluidity allows me to stay curious and excited about my journey.

🌱Actions I Do to Refine My Ikigai

These are simple actionable steps I do to refine my Ikigai.

Keep a Journal

Writing down my thoughts and feelings helps me clarify what makes me happy and identify patterns in my life. It also helps me to reflect on my experiences and learn from them. When I write down my thoughts, I can see them more clearly and objectively.

Set Goals

Setting goals helps me stay motivated and focused on my Ikigai. When I have a clear goal in mind, I’m more likely to take action and make progress. When I achieve my goals, it gives me a sense of accomplishment and it boosts my confidence. It further motivates me to continue pursuing my Ikigai.

Seek Feedback

Talking to people I trust about my strengths and passions helps me to get a different perspective on myself. They may be able to see things in me that I don’t see in myself. This really helps me to identify my talents and strengths and to develop my Ikigai.

Try New Things

One of the steps I love doing is this! Being open to exploring new activities or interests helps me to discover hidden talents and passions. It’s important for me to step outside of my comfort zone and try new things. By trying new things, I also learn more about myself and what you’re capable of.

🌱 My Takeaways from Ikigai

🎯 Finding Joy in the Little Things

One of the most beautiful lessons I get from the Ikigai concept is the idea that joy can be found in everyday moments. Whether it’s sipping tea, watching the sunset, or spending time with loved ones, appreciating these small joys can enrich our lives. Ikigai teaches us to slow down and savor life.

🎯 The Importance of Purpose

Having a clear sense of purpose can uplift our spirits. When we understand our ikigai, we feel more motivated to pursue our goals and make a difference. This purpose acts as a compass that guides us through both the highs and lows of life.

🎯 Continuous Discovery

Finding your ikigai isn’t a one-time event. As we grow, so do our passions and interests. The Ikigai concept encourages us to embrace this ongoing exploration. Being open to change can lead us to exciting new paths and deeper fulfillment.

🌱 Final Thoughts

Travelling to Japan has always been in my bucket list and so anything good that pertains to their culture really influences me. I treat the Ikigai concept as a heartfelt guide that encourages me to seek purpose and joy in my life. It invites me always to reflect on what truly matters. 

In a world that often prioritizes busyness and achievement, the Ikigai concept reminds us to slow down, reflect, and cherish the simple wonders of life. By embracing our Ikigai, we can create a life filled with joy, meaning, and fulfilment. It’s true that each day a new opportunity to discover our unique reasons for being and I practice this now every single day.

As you reflect on your own journey, what elements of ikigai resonate most with you? How can you incorporate the lessons from this beautiful concept into your daily life to find more joy and purpose? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Maria Nerizza S. Veloso-Liyanage

A big believer in wondering, I founded Snippets of Wonders in hope of it being your Creative Learning Hub. Through stories, life lessons, strategies, ideas, resources, and courses, shared on this site, may I inspire you to keep wondering. For me, there’s always an option to live life differently…only if we WONDER enough!