Just when I thought I already knew what love is came another set of life experiences that would reinforce its deeper layer to me. What is love? Is it...
How mindfulness can help you stay focused in a distracted world? Hey there, fellow hustlers! As a digital marketer juggling the demands of my career and the joys (and...
How to create a calm, focused workspace for peak productivity? We all know the feeling: you sit down at your desk, ready to tackle a big project, but instead...
A bittersweet memory. The unfulfilled potential of something. A missed opportunity. And maybe, a romanticized version of what could have been. I get it. We, humans, are creatures of...
Recently, I’ve been reviewing my watch list on Netflix and I’ve come across a series that has been on my list for quite sometime entitled, Juvenile Justice starring Kim...
Though I’m often ruled by the childhood joy in me, sometimes in my adult life, in my busy life, there were times in the past when it was hard...
Every wonderful story starts somewhere. I say wonderful because this website, your creative learning hub, has gone through a lot as a brand and has witnessed different versions of...
From a young age, I’ve been exposed to the opinion that hard work is the key to success. The elders around me would frame it as the ultimate secret,...
Being a student is difficult no matter if it is in your home country or in a totally foreign nation, how old you are or how smart you are....
What is “The Power of ‘Good Enough’ Productivity,” and how can embracing this mindset enhance your efficiency, reduce stress, and improve balance in your daily life? Read more here!...
Life can get pretty hectic, right? With work, family, and all sorts of other stuff going on, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or distracted. But you know what can...
Want to know the ways to prevent getting sidetracked? Find out here! Getting sidetracked is something we all face, whether at work or in school. One moment, you’re fully...
Canada is a known country to have amazing landscapes and various provinces to be diverse when it comes to the scenery. The people in Canada have a very deep...
How I don’t let perfectionism be my enemy? We all know the feeling that inner critic whispering that nothing we do is good enough. It’s perfectionism at its finest...
I once had a client who was a Soul Therapist and at that time, I didn’t know that a profession like that existed. Being the curious person that I...
How to break free from habit slumps? Have you ever felt like you’re on autopilot, going through the motions but not really feeling connected to your habits? Perhaps you’ve...
Tired of feeling overwhelmed? Aim for These 3 Ms: Mindfulness, Mastery, and Minimalism and you’re sure to pump your productivity. Read more! In my previous post, I talked about...
Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get anything done? It’s a frustrating feeling, especially when you know you’re capable...
I can’t believe it has been 4 years now since the Coronavirus pandemic and it still feels like yesterday. Although it was a difficult time, it also led to...
I’ve been freelancing for almost 9 years now and in the beginning, I must admit that I was running like a headless chicken. I did not have one specific...
It’s funny how when I look back, I realize that the things that irked me the most are now the very same things I’m grateful for. Take for example...
How to stay productive and creative in a fast-paced world? In a world that seems to move faster every day, I sometimes feel that staying productive and creative is...
Are you a creative professional? Do you love Baguio? Find out my journey of rediscovering my creative self in Baguio’s cool places. Having lived in Baguio for five years,...
This year when I turned 40, I gave myself a month of revisiting my childhood. I made a promise to myself that I will continue what I started last...
How living in Baguio made more mindful and productive? If you find out, perhaps, you may want to transfer here! Baguio has a special place in my heart. Known...
In the online world where my business is based, there’s this constant pressure to be productive non-stop and it’s as if being efficient is the only path to achieve...
Who would’ve thought a train ride full of zombies could teach us so much? Even ten years after its release, Train to Busan still leaves a strong impact on...
As someone who is building her digital business, I’ve trained myself to have a dedicated time for mindfulness. When I’m more mindful, I become more efficient in completing my...
Of course this Korean drama is more than just a love triangle, for me, as someone who is building her own enterprise, it’s a goldmine for entrepreneurial wisdom. These...
Looking back at one of our family’s food adventures, I recall a delightful lunch at a Korean BBQ restaurant. Craving something different for lunch on December 1, 2022, my...
Grit. Persist. No matter what. Don’t be a person who gives up. If need be, redirect. Make a pivot, but don’t give up. This has always been my mantra...
Have you ever looked back at old pictures or listened to old songs and felt a warm feeling inside? That’s called nostalgia. It’s like looking at a shiny stone...
Annyeong! There’s a new cafe in town with a Korean drama feel! Yes! I’m talking about the Seollem Cafe. Overview ☕Location and Hours Located at Kennon Road/Camp 7 beside...
Being a Leo born in August, I’ve always felt like a little fireball. I love to shine, take center stage, and make a big splash. It’s like I have...
When someone wrongs us, it can feel deeply unfair. Depending on the pain caused, the experience can trigger that desire in us for justice. We feel that the only...
Let’s talk real for a minute. Have you ever looked around at your life and felt like it’s stuck on repeat? Like a hamster on a wheel, going nowhere...
Starting a Fresh Life in Canada I used to see the world in a certain way, but trading in Sri Lanka for the Canadian landscape did more than just...
On the Lookout for a New Cafe The weather in Sri Lanka is now transitioning from rainy to sunny and with this, the cafe hunter in me is now...
Do you ever feel like life throws you curveballs, but somehow you manage to find your way through them? My Initial Challenges The saying “bloom where you’re planted” has...
“I want to get things done and have peace in the house!” This is my line every single day. Being a mom is a full-time job and being productive...
(We write our content in the hope of making you, our readers, feel a little more inspired in a time when you’re probably feeling low. We hope you feel...
When someone hears the place “Paris, France”, the first things that come to their mind are the Eiffel Tower or the Mona Lisa, the Arc de Triomphe, or perhaps...
“Whale Nation”, “Whale Couple”, the iconic “Woo to the Young to the Woo”, greetings were some of the viral buzz words we’ve heard prior to the ending of the...
The City of Pines is home to a sizable number of Korean restaurants. But if you wanted to sample one, I’d highly recommend this location. With two branches in...
Embarking on a road trip isn’t just about traveling; it’s a journey where you pick up valuable lessons that school might miss. Unlike reading from textbooks or manuals, hitting...
My father’s death a decade ago left a wound that time has failed to heal. Even after all this time, the anguish is still exactly the same as it...
(We write our content in the hope of making you, our readers, feel a little more inspired in a time when you’re probably feeling low. We hope you feel...
Being a working mom, a devoted partner, and a mother sometimes feels like I’m juggling non-stop in the busyness of life. Balancing the needs of my family, maintaining a...
You may know a lady for her radiant smile and cheerful demeanor, but behind her lively facade, she may be carrying a burden that only she could see. On...
When was the last time you had a CV checkup? I know what you will reason out! Busy work schedules, personal commitments, and other priorities have come in between. If...
My freelancing journey began in 2013, a year after I got married. You know, a flood of realizations sweep you over once you get committed and that happened to...
My penchant for drinking wine began with a movie. Yes, a movie! I got inspired by the classic movie entitled, “A Walk in the Clouds”, starring Keanu Reeves and...
My human design result is that of a Manifestor and ever since I was young, I’ve had this ability of being able to somehow get things done whether through...
In one of my cup-of-tea conversations with my husband, we got to a point where we talked about the reality of separation or death. This was in 2020 when...
I guess by now you must have already seen plenty of quotes and posts on social media relating to resolutions, goals, reflection, plans, and new beginnings. To those who...
Stagnation. Monotony. Disengagement. I’ve felt the weight of a career rut at some point in my 18 years of professional experience. You show up everyday, but you start losing...
It was in the latter part of 2022 when I told myself, I’m going to think bigger and beyond me in the coming years. I’ve survived the Corona pandemic...
You should watch the Squid Game series if you want to know why it trended on Netflix. I know this may come as a tall order on you, but...
Yes, the Seongsan Sunrise Festival is in my bucket list! I’ve always been a sunset lover. The way the sky is illuminated with a range of colors and the...
Let me share with you the reasons Uncontrollably Fond K-drama is so worth your time and tears this weekend if you’re planning to binge watch! If we’ve been friends...
The newly released song of Miley Cyrus is garnering applause and also inviting bashing left and right. I give kudos to her for creating such a wonderful composition that...
What is a creative spirit? You have this creative side of you that you can discover and use. What do you do to spark your creative spirit? We all...
Every year, my students complete their college education and they can’t help but think about taking their Master’s Education. They frequently ask for my views and questions like these...
Why self-love is the best gift you can give your kids? I used to believe that being a good parent meant putting myself last. I thought that if I...