When someone wrongs us, it can feel deeply unfair. Depending on the pain caused, the experience can trigger that desire in us for justice. We feel that the only way to be able to move on is to retaliate. It’s quite tough to plot hardcore revenge in real life where all the parts of the plan will fall into place. So when we see it in happening on screen, we empathize with the fictional character and feel vindicated, too.
This is what the K-Drama Glory has stirred in us, the viewers. At the center of this story is Moon Dong-eun (Song Hye-kyo), a woman whose life was torn apart by cruel bullies in high school. She came back later on with an elaborate plan to settle the score.
As I followed the series, I felt drawn to her story and qualities. The plot twists and turns had me rooting for her to get justice. But, it also had me thinking: is there ever glory in revenge? Can we truly justify the revengeful act and its consequences? Does it really bring ultimate satisfaction?
I’m not an expert on this subject matter as revenge is a complex issue. Nevertheless, I’d like to share my learnings from this dark but captivating series.
💡Bullying requires a multifaceted approach.
The Glory has shown us that bullying leaves scars and it has devastating consequences. We can understand the depth of Dong-eun’s pain and motivations and how these fueled her to plan a strategic revenge scheme.
But throughout the series, we did not see any attempt to improve the situation of school violence. Dong-eun could have probably worked harder to gain authority in the education field. She could have strived for a position where she can leverage on her influence to change school policies and execute anti-bullying measures. She could have aimed to be successful enough to collaborate with agencies for mental health services. She could have started a company that trains schools on bullying intervention.
Bullying cannot be solved by revenge. It requires a multifaceted approach and it has to be tackled using various perspectives. There are many factors to consider and we need help from different segments of the society. We may not be able to eliminate bullying completely, but we can reduce the occurrence of it.
💡Revenge is not the answer as it will just start a cycle of violence.
What is the effectiveness of revenge in this story? Yes, there was satisfaction from the success in Dong-eun’s plan, but it seems hollow if we truly look at it. We saw how isolated and lonely Dong-eun lived her life. She was so consumed with revenge that she failed to start any healthy nurturing friendships with others.
Initially, we can sympathize with Dong-eun as revenge can be a tempting answer to bullying. But, in this drama, revenge just spurred further acts of violence. There was no real remorse and behaviour change from the perpetrators.
The cycle of negativity was not stopped and revenge cost the life and future of the characters. All of them focused more on the negative experience in the past that rather than considering the act of moving forward.
💡Letting go is a healthier alternative. Let go for your own sake.
The Glory sparks important conversations about responsibility and forgiveness. It also makes us question our own sense of justice and ponder the true cost of holding onto the past.
Yes, it’s hard to forgive the bullies of Dong-eun and it’s tough to move past the whole experience. With the changing times in our world, perhaps it may have been a healthier move to seek alternatives to revenge. There may be other ways to reclaim your life after being bullied. When we take the violent side, the bullying will stay in our memories longer.
We can find closure through professional therapy and slowly restore joy in our life. We can relocate, meet new people, and have nurturing support systems. The future should matter more than what happened in the past. Focusing on letting go is an empowering act and a healthier alternative. Instead of planning and enacting vengeance, we can use our time and energy to pursue uplifting activities that will bring back our confidence.
Final Thoughts
Is there ever glory in revenge? We know the answer to this. Although the series focused on the destructive side of revenge, it’s actually through this that we, the viewers, get to rethink on the dangers of it. Had Dong-eun chosen an alternative path, she would have probably experienced different results. Perhaps, the decision and journey is where glory truly resides in.
What are your thoughts on Moon Dong-eun’s quest for revenge? Let us know in the comments below!
(We write our content in the hope of making you, our readers, feel a little more inspired in a time when you’re probably feeling low. We hope you feel a little lighter after visiting our site. Then, we know we’ve served our purpose.⭐)